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Calls for IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT of Marilyn Bergman, Chair, ASCAP,
and Senator Orrin Hatch (R) Utah,
on grounds of Conspiracy, Collusion, Conflict of Interest
and Abuse of Official Powers!

Full Report in The Journal of Copyright Information, Page 4, June 1997
"Will ASCAP Support of Senator Hatch's Music
Affect Legislation Pending in Congress?

The Journal of Copyright Information
Box 91773, Washington, D.C. 20090
Telephone: (202) 723 5004

Set the Stage:

Marilyn Bergman, Chair (commonly known as "Chief Thief"), ASCAP;

ASCAP = American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. One of the Big Three SCAMS in the Recorded Music Industry - reputedly to license Public Performance of Member's works and properties and pay them on a "fair and equitable" basis. And that part is more laughable than all the comedians who ever lived!

Senator Orrin Hatch (R) Utah, Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee.

One of those over-priced, always-felt, never-heard committees that put the Devils in the Details of all treasonous legislation - BUT in this case: ASCAP's proposed Intellectual Property EXTORTIONS!

Senator Hatch wrote some lyrics with one Janice Kapp Perry (Senator Hatch's daughter is married to J. K. Perry's cousin) -- Said lyrics were forwarded to Chief Thief Bergman at ASCAP, who forwarded them to SONY NASHVILLE! Something she damned well would not have done for any NON-PAY-CLIQUE Member!

And why did Chief Thief Bergman fall all over herself for Senator Hatch's 'lyrics'?

And she should damned well be IMPEACHED immediately! ASCAP's Pittance-Clique and NO-PAY-Clique Members cannot afford any more such 'honesty' or 'unbiased' considerations.

In communications with the Senate Judiciary Committee, August 15th, 1997, General Bobby Farrell confirmed that Senator Orrin Hatch will not recuse himself when matters of ASCAP's proposed legislations come up for review. AND THAT IS A BLATANT CONFLICT OF INTEREST AT LEAST, AND OUTRIGHT ORGANIZED CRIME PROTECTED BEHIND ABUSE OF OFFICIAL POWERS OF OFFICE! And Senator Hatch should also damned well be IMPEACHED immediately for being the common criminal his actions prove him to be!

You may file protests with ASCAP that will be totally ignored unless you're in the Pay-Clique (or United States Senate!): at Marilyn Bergman. It's a waste of time and email, but what the hell - they're ignoring you on YOUR MONEY! Make them earn some of it.

To be ignored by Senator Hatch & Cronies: you may call his Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224 5251, or Fax: (202) 224 6331. To be ignored by email:

And, to be ignored by the Senate Judiciary Committee: their telephone is (202) 666 1555, with a Fax at: (202) 224 0192. Just remember, each and every word of High Treason legislated into law encounters this Committee's lack of morals - and receives their absolute support!

In closing, I would like to inform the lying, thieving bastards at ASCAP, the United States Senate and House of Representatives: "I expect your retaliation. Manufactured evidences and all. Expect mine in return, except I won't be manufacturing any evidences against you. I don't have to. You traitorous, lying, thieving, bastards create it everyday for me.

Your Totally Contemptuous Servant,

That Damned Akurian,
General Bobby Farrell,

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